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In a typical industrial environment, it’s hard enough to perform all the safety lifecycle activities “right” once when a plant is built— and It’s almost impossible to do them right using multiple, independent applications. Experienced operating companies have learned that an integrated solution is a “must” to ensure each team uses the latest data. Industrial safety programs are increasingly complex with a lack of synchronization between internal/external stakeholders, along with disparate data sources, applications, tools and reports.

Honeywell’s automated and integrated approach to process safety employs a single software solution for risk management information and analysis throughout the life of a project—and for decades to come.

Our advanced Process Safety Suite solution automates the process safety lifecycle to minimize errors, avoid consistencies and reduce engineering effort. On average effort savings up to 45%. For one application, a customer reduced engineering time by 95% to do SIL verification plus all deliverables for a fired heater via templated design.

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