


Enable Business Continuity with
Industrial Grade Secure Remote Access
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2020
Time: 10:00 AM Singapore Time
Location: Location of the webinar
Duration: 1 Hour
On-demand webinar recording

Due to the global situation and travel restrictions, it has put pressure on staff, contractors, and Honeywell that support industrial sites. Imagine critical skills unable to provide on-site support or respond to an operational or cybersecurity event? Industrial operators are quickly evaluating remote access solutions as part of their business continuity planning to ensure skills are available when needed. In this session we will discuss what are the benefits of remote access, cybersecurity risks with traditional remote access solutions, and what is the industrial grade solution trusted by Honeywell, our OEM Partners, and our Customers for the Secure Remote Support of thousands of sites.


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Donovan Tindill
Senior Cyber Security SME & Marketing Manager Honeywell Industrial Cyber Security
Speaker Bio: Donovan Tindill is a control systems cybersecurity subject matter expert with the Honeywell Industrial Cybersecurity team. He spent over 17 years customer-facing as a control systems cybersecurity consultant in Canada, training/mentoring the technical team and leading major projects across Consulting Services. Donovan supports global industrial cybersecurity by volunteering to teach, contributing to standards, supporting industry conferences, and sharing thought-provoking presentations. He is a former ISA-99/62443 trainer, working group co-chair, and contributor. Donovan is an advisor to both the United States and Canadian government control systems cybersecurity conferences (i.e., US DHS ICSJWG Vice-Chair and Public Safety Canada ICS Symposium Vendor Seat) helping select speakers, drive awareness, and increase knowledge in North America. Donovan has an applied Bachelors Degree in Network Engineering & Management from the Northern AlbertaInstituteof Technology (NAIT) and holds CISSP and GICSP certifications.
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Speaker Bio:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
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